Download ClamWin Free Antivirus

Download ClamWin Free Antivirus engine is one of the old product. It is an open-source antivirus product. You don’t need to purchase this application. It supports all version of Microsoft Windows operating systems. It also supports Mac OSX and Linux. You can view the detail of the antivirus in the about section of antivirus. Clam sent is another antivirus that is used for real-time protection. More than 22 Million downloads served till now of ClamWin Free Antivirus. The latest version released is version 9.99.1. It has a simple user interface and not much interactive. It is straightforward with simple icons. You can scan memory whichever you want to scan. It has the preferences where you can set the setting.
You can set the time to scan daily. Also, can update the virus database on any time you want. As it is open source so you can view the code. If you are good in the programming of c++ and python then you can get the code and start to dig in if you want to add functionality. During installation, you can set the proxy setting. Simple and easy installation process. It also downloads the viruses database. You can easily update the software daily basis. It has the menu bar on top of it. Where the scan option, memory-free, preferences, filters, proxy settings, you can schedule a scan, email scanning, etc.
The team also has requested to the community that they can submit undetected virus samples, bugs, issues. You can improve the documentation, Can promote the free antivirus, c++ and python developer can join the community of ClamWin. It is a free open source project. If you want to support them please make a free donation to the community.
ClamWin Free Antivirus Features
- It is a feature-rich antivirus.
- It detects the spyware with a high detection rate.
- The scanning scheduler option.
- You can set the automatic download of the virus database.
- It is the standalone antivirus for the users
- You can also set configure with the outlook to scan the emails and prevent from the malware.
- It is free open-source licensed under the General Public License.
Title: | Download ClamWin Free Antivirus |
Added On | February 16, 2016 12:14 pm |
Updated On | September 15, 2019 10:02 pm |
Version: | v0.99.4 |
Category: | |
License Type: | Freeware |
Operating System: | Windows 10, XP, Vista, 8.1, 7, and 8 |
Developers: | Clamwin |
File Name: | clamwin-0.99-setup.exe |
File Size: | 164 MB |